Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More Practical Backup Solutions

Many of you have tried to master NTBackup.EXE the built in Backup tool by MS. I have already stated my point that NTBACKUP is great in theory but flawed in execution. So what do we use in the industry ?

Small / Medium Scale networks :
Arconis True Image
NTI Backup Now !
Norton Ghost ( it does a lot more than just disk imaging )

Large Scale / Enterprise Networks :
EMC Legato
CA ArcServ ( You can try out the demo to understand how powerful this product is here )
IBM Tivoli

So what IS the biggest problem with NTBackup ?
* Support for only Network Shares and Tape Drives as Backup Stores ( tapes are long dead )
* Not intuitive for making custom Backup Scripts

There are some solutions for these problems though.
A third-party addon known as Firestreamer-RM [10] extends the Removable Storage component in Microsoft Windows to support modern storage media such as external hard disks, flash memory, optical media such as CD, DVD and Blu-Ray and network file systems exposing the pieces of media as virtual tape to NTBackup which is based on Removable Storage.

An alternative to scripting is GUI software such as BackupAssist, which automates NTBackup and can perform automatic, scheduled backups of Windows-based servers and PCs using NTBackup.

In Windows Vista and later operating systems, NTBackup was replaced by Windows Backup and Restore Center, which uses the Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) file format, supports backup to modern media such as DVDs and image-based full system backups.

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